Who I Am

My name is Jessica Conzen, I’m 33 years old, and live in Fresno, CA. I graduated with my M.A. Theology from Fresno Pacific University’s Biblical Seminary in May 2013. I’m passionate about God’s Word and currently teach for FPU’s Degree Completion Program.

My Title

Theologist is not a word. Well, not really.

According to Merriam-Webster (online), “this word doesn’t usually appear in our free dictionary, but the definition from our premium Unabridged Dictionary is offered on a limited basis.”

If it’s not in Merriam-Webster’s normal dictionary, it’s not in the everyday vocabulary of most people.

Nonetheless, the word theologist comes from the New Latin theologista, which comes from the Late Latin, theologia (theology) and ista/ist (a suffix which signifies a feminine pronoun, or which denotes one who follows a principle or doctrine).

Essentially, a theologist is a female who speculates about theology.

The title was inspired by a story from one of my fellow adjunct professors. I give her full credit.

This blog is for all of the theologists (and theologians) out there, who love God and want to know Him more, who get a thrill out of expounding Scripture, and who, above all, desire to do His will.

May we always remember that how we interpret and understand the Bible determines how we live out our beliefs, share our faith, and follow our risen Lord.