Over the last 5 years, I’ve watched several friends go through their pregnancy journey.

It’s nothing short of heroic.

In a recent phone conversation with one of my girlfriends (who has two children), we decided that life is like an extended pregnancy—rather than just three trimesters, life’s full of them.

Life seems to be an unending series of phases; a continuous succession of highs and lows, victories and defeats, progress and regression, pain and joy. It’s a rollercoaster with some foreseeable, and not-so-foreseeable twists and turns; with abrupt starts and stops; with smooth and jerky patches. These infinite-mesters are full of change, of weird stuff no one warned you about, of weird stuff people did warn you about, but which you didn’t quite believe until you experienced it yourself. Newness, surprise, and excitement characterize each phase, though so does fear, uncertainty, and worry. Every chapter has its own set of issues, its own mountains to traverse, its own valleys to endure.

It seems that life too, is nothing short of heroic.

*This post was inspired by Rayan Gwerder. Thank you for doing my thinking for me.