In reading Matthew 19.16-22 for my Three Worlds post, I came across that tricky little word—perfect (Matthew 19.21).
Currently, I’m still wrestling with my perfectionist demons. I’m still trying to discern the difference between perfection and excellence. I’m still working on allowing my perfectionism to propel me forward, but in a grace-filled, self-forgiving, risk-taking, diminished-fear-of-failure kind of way. Progress has been slow, but I’m beginning to strike a balance...
One of the assignments I give my students is called “Three Worlds.” Most students don’t read the example in the syllabus, and thus to assure understanding (and my own sanity when grading), we go over it in class...
Anyone who knows me knows that I’m a “list” person. When it comes to birthdays, Christmas, or other special occasions, when people ask me what I want, I intentionally, and thoughtfully, make a list of the things I would like. This list is not a guidepost pointing to other items I want. Rather, it contains the exact gifts I would like. This is the reason I make the list. As harsh as it sounds, I’m not interested in spontaneous, random, or “I thought you’d really like this” gifts. I don’t want an off-lister. If received, the likelihood of me returning it is extremely high...
“With a Little Help from My Friends” is one of my favorite songs. Though John Lennon and Paul McCartney originally wrote it, I prefer Joe Cocker’s version...
Several months ago, I volunteered in my friend's 3rd grade classroom. The morning began with ant colony-like precision as students made their way to their seats, pulled out their books, and started working. Before beginning the first lesson, my friend led his students in a Q & A session of the following classroom rules...