On Saturday morning, people gather for Zumba class for the main goal of exercise, weight loss, and fun.

Zumba-ites are a motley crew. We’re people of all different shapes, sizes, and abilities, who wear diverse workout attire and flash our uncoordinated moves as we seek to emulate the instructor’s rhythm.

There’s a lot of joy and laughter, but there’s also a lot of stumbling, sweat, and toil.

Over time, people improve. They become more coordinated, they start to resemble the instructor (while still retaining their own flare). They become more confident, more assured of their Zumba skills. They begin to exude this certainty, to live out their identity as a Zumba-ite.

I can’t help but compare the church, God’s people, to a Zumba class.

On Sunday morning, we gather for the purpose of worshipping God, conforming our lives to Jesus, and building up one another in Christ’s love.

The church is a motley crew, comprised of people from all different backgrounds, ethnicities, statuses, faults, beauties, frailties, and strengths. We dance to our own rhythm, all the while seeking to emulate our heavenly Instructor.

When we gather, there’s tremendous joy and celebration, but there’s also stumbling, sorrow, and tears.

Over time, as we seek to imitate Jesus, we mature and grow. We become more Christ-like. As we practice love, grace, forgiveness, and service, we become more confident in living out these Jesus traits. We become more assured of our identity as Christ-followers.

And, it is this rootedness which emanates from our being.