Models of Obedience

Modeling is a buzz word in the field of child development and developmental psychology. Essentially, it’s the monkey see, monkey do phenomenon—children emulate what they observe.

Modeling first takes place in the family unit. Children learn how to behave, respond, cope, and navigate life based off of how their parents behave, respond, cope, and navigate life.

In recently discussing this with a friend, we started talking about Jesus’ early socialization experiences, particularly, how Joseph and Mary served as models of obedience, and how this impacted Jesus’ ability to stay true to God’s calling throughout his life...

Zumba Ecclesiology

On Saturday morning, people gather for Zumba class for the main goal of exercise, weight loss, and fun.

Zumba-ites are a motley crew. We’re people of all different shapes, sizes, and abilities, who wear diverse workout attire and flash our uncoordinated moves as we seek to emulate the instructor’s rhythm.

There’s a lot of joy and laughter, but there’s also a lot of stumbling, sweat, and toil...

You Know You’re a Perfectionist When…

You comment on a blog, notice you’ve misspelled something, quickly go back to edit it, but, realizing there’s no “Edit” button, you comment on your own comment with the correct spelling of the misspelled word, at which time you notice another error in your original comment, and it takes every ounce of you not to comment again, because you realize this nested tri-comment will make you look crazy.

It’s Not Yours to Take

In 2 Samuel 12.7-14 (NRSV), Nathan, God’s prophetic mouthpiece, confronts David for his sin with Bathsheba (the wife of Uriah the Hittite). Speaking on God’s behalf, Nathan recounts David’s transgression and announces God’s judgment.

This passage hinges on two words—give and take...

Paint a Picture for Me

In high school, one of my friends made me a CD of a garage band named Trase.

I haven’t thought of them, or listened to their CD in years; however, it came to mind shortly after my canvas vision.

In recently pulling it out of my closet, I remembered the love affair I had with song #6. Song #6 is title-less, so Trase, if you ever read this post, please let me know what you intended to call it, because I’ve affectionately titled it “Paint a Picture for Me.”

Listening to the song was just as impactful (if not more so) as it was 16 years ago. If you’d like to check it out, here it is...